Big Day!!

Posted by Emily , Wednesday, June 12, 2013 1:16 PM

Sagey and I had an action-packed day on Monday. First we went to the doctor to get her hips X-rayed to make sure everything is still growing OK. We had to wait an hour to see the doctor, but he said everything was good. We have to go back in 6 months to check again. He said that she had a lot of gas in her tummy though - wondering if that has something to do with her sleeplessness during the day.

When we got home, we played in her exersaucer thingie that we just hauled up from storage. Then we did some tummy time and she rolled tummy-to-back for the first time by herself! I tried to video-tape her doing it but no luck. Then she was pretty fussy pants so after trying several things I gave up and gave her some Tylenol in case it was her teeth bothering her. It seemed to help.
So big!

I caught a turtle on the front porch later and took Sage out to look at it. The turtle peed on me, but it was worth it!
What the ____ is that?!

I laid her on the floor on her back while I went out to the garage to get the stroller, since she was still fussy and I wanted to see if it would lull her to sleep to take a ride. When I walked back in, I caught her mid-roll, rolling from back-to-tummy! I was very excited for her and she was smiling so big. She was very proud of herself!

We took a long stroller ride (and she did finally pass out, thanks Jamie for the idea) and hung up her new swing(thanks Mom!) in a tree in the back yard. Afterward we jammed to some Laurie Berkner (thanks Mom again), danced to her musical star, did some tummy time with Daddy (who came home briefly in between summer school and basketball camp), and played in the tub. She passed out at 7 pm and I was exhausted!
Much happier after a stroller nap
Tummy time with Daddy

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