One Year Old

Posted by Emily , Sunday, January 19, 2014 9:28 PM

Wow I really lost track of the blog there huh? I'll try to do better. New year's resolution. Anyhow, I thought I'd give the rundown of what Miss Sage has been up to now that she is ONE YEAR OLD! Where did the time go?!  

Little Miss is very busy. She is now army-crawling everywhere she goes and she is very fast. I tried doing it myself and it is really hard. She is super strong though and likes to try to dive out of my arms on a frequent basis. We are working on standing since her doctor was a little worried that she isn't cruising yet. She referred us to a physical therapist, but I think now that we know that we should be worried, we are being more proactive about making her try to stand. Her favorite place to practice is in the bathtub, which is less than ideal for obvious reasons.  

At her one year checkup, she clocked in at 21 lbs, 11oz and 27 3/4 in long. This puts her in the 6th percentile for height and the 76th percentile for weight. Whoopsie!  I learned that I'm probably letting her drink too much milk and since she is not walking yet she is becoming a bit of a chunky monkey. Her head measured in the 89th percentile (maybe that's why she can't stand up?). The doc said she looks very healthy otherwise. She got four shots and a finger prick which was all thoroughly traumatizing, but she handled it all like a champ and passed out shortly after getting back In the car. 

Sage is showing us new tricks every day, and her babbling sounds more and more like real words. Yesterday, she said "beh bee" while looking at a picture of Matts uncle as a toddler, and she waves and says "ba" when we leave daycare. She also says "dada" and often sounds like she is asking "what's this?" ("Wisdis" whole pointing or holding something).  She will also hold our phones up to her ear and say "oh?" She likes to feed her baby dolls with bottles and loves to dance. 

We are entering a new stage of rebelliousness and stranger anxiety. She cries when strangers come to daycare and does not like being held by people she doesn't see daily. She enjoys throwing food off her tray while looking at us and shaking her head "no."  She cries and squirms with all her might at diaper change times. I think we are really in for it for the next couple of years!

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