So THAT'S a Flash Flood...

Posted by Emily , Sunday, June 9, 2013 9:47 PM

We have had some WILD weather around here this year!  First a snowstorm in March, and now monsoon-like rain!  We had some bad thunderstorms in May, which resulted in a flash flood in our yard.  It came and went in the course of about an hour and a half.

See that water?  There's supposed to be grass there.

The water covered the big tires that we have for raised garden beds and carried away one of the chicken wire cages that we have covering our strawberries.  The strawberries survived, though.  The plentiful rain has caused the flowers to bloom like crazy!  This time last year they were fried to a golden brown. 

Anyway, we survived with hardly any damage (I don't know if the onions and cantaloupe will be okay or not) and the water did not reach the basement.  I think the house is on just enough of a rise that we would have to have a really serious flood for anything to get in.  Fingers crossed.

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