Matt's First Father's Day + 23 week photo
Posted by Emily , Saturday, June 22, 2013 10:30 PM
Sunday was Matt's first Father's Day. We got all dressed up and went to church, then came home an had breakfast-for-lunch.
Afterwards, we went home and filled up the pool we bought a few months ago. The water was freezing, so we didn't really get to enjoy it, but at least it's inflated. Then we went out for a delicious dinner with my parents and little sister Megan.
Sage also turned 23 weeks old on Sunday. As of about a week ago, she has stopped sleeping through the night. She wakes up around 12 or 1 and then 4 or 5. I guess she is getting ready to cut a tooth? We are not sure. She has started imitating us a little bit this week, which is pretty fun!
And I couldn't resist showing this comparison of Matt at one week old and Sage at two weeks old. Crazy how much they look alike!!
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