5 Months
Posted by Emily , Monday, June 10, 2013 8:36 PM
Sage turned 5 months old on Thursday. Hard to believe! She is still very alert and I can tell she is just soaking up everything around her. She loves music as all babies do, and her favorite song is illusrated in the following video:
Please excuse my singing.
It almost looks like she is dancing, to me. Every time I think she's learning a new trick, I think of the episode of Friends where Rachel thinks Emma has said her first word, "Gleeba!" This then prompts an argument about whether "gleeba" is actually a word and they look it up in the dictionary. In other words, I don't want to count my chicks before they're hatched! She has learned to make some interesting noises with her mouth, as demonstrated here:
Her little tooth that was poking through for the past 2 months appears to have jumped back up into her gums, but it hasn't slowed down the drooling. She still chews on everything she touches. She has also recently learned how to reach her feet with her hands, so I think it's only a matter of time before those little piggies make it into her mouth as well!
Ummm is it weird and creepy if I watch those videos on repeat all day? No? Okay good. That's happening.