24 Weeks + Girls Weekend

Posted by Emily , Sunday, June 23, 2013 9:19 PM

Not as fun as it sounds.  Matt went to the lake this weekend for a bachelor party so it was just me and Sage.  We had fun though!  She slept in our bedroom in the pack and play because I was kind of freaked out being out here all alone and I convinced myself something bad was going to happen. We also visited Aunt Erin and Uncle Mike and cousins Ava and Anthony and played in their kiddie pool.  Except Sage thought the water was too cold so she pretty much just watched.

Early morning wake-up call after our slumber party
 She is finally starting to fall back into a better sleep schedule I think.  She is getting at least one long nap a day and is now just waking up around 11 and then sleep till 6-6:30.  I'd rather sleep in a little longer but I suppose those days are long gone! She is starting to grow out of her 6 month clothes and into some of her 9 month clothes.  Her belly is just so big and round it's hard to stretch some of those onesies over it!
First time in her swing

24 weeks

The Evolution of the Belly

Posted by Emily 10:12 AM

I never blogged while I was pregnant.  Being pregnant is exhausting.  Plus, I had gestational diabetes so I had to monitor what I was eating.  And I sprained my ankle and had to wear a walking boot, then an ankle brace.  With a big giant pregnant belly.  So I didn't have the desire to blog much.  I was too tired.  Sorry.  Anyway, long overdue though this may be, here is a slideshow of my belly pics.  I thought we took one every week but apparently only like half the weeks.  WHOOPS.  It's kind of funny to watch my face puff up as the pictures progress.  The last picture is from the day Sage was born. 

Matt's First Father's Day + 23 week photo

Posted by Emily , Saturday, June 22, 2013 10:30 PM

Sunday was Matt's first Father's Day.  We got all dressed up and went to church, then came home an had breakfast-for-lunch. 

Then Sage and I went with Matt while he went fishing at his coworker's lake.  It was pretty hot and Sage got pretty fussy after a little bit, but I think Matt had fun. 

Afterwards, we went home and filled up the pool we bought a few months ago.  The water was freezing, so we didn't really get to enjoy it, but at least it's inflated.  Then we went out for a delicious dinner with my parents and little sister Megan. 

Sage also turned 23 weeks old on Sunday.  As of about a week ago, she has stopped sleeping through the night.  She wakes up around 12 or 1 and then 4 or 5.  I guess she is getting ready to cut a tooth? We are not sure.  She has started imitating us a little bit this week, which is pretty fun!
And I couldn't resist showing this comparison of Matt at one week old and Sage at two weeks old.  Crazy how much they look alike!!

Weekly Photos Birth-22 weeks

Posted by Emily , Tuesday, June 18, 2013 4:00 PM

Dancing with the Star

Posted by Emily , Wednesday, June 12, 2013 1:20 PM

Sage loves her musical star that her cousins Ava and Anthony handed down to her.  At first she wasn't sure about it.  I think it was too much when she was younger.  Now, however, she thinks it's amazing.  Enjoy!

Big Day!!

Posted by Emily 1:16 PM

Sagey and I had an action-packed day on Monday. First we went to the doctor to get her hips X-rayed to make sure everything is still growing OK. We had to wait an hour to see the doctor, but he said everything was good. We have to go back in 6 months to check again. He said that she had a lot of gas in her tummy though - wondering if that has something to do with her sleeplessness during the day.

When we got home, we played in her exersaucer thingie that we just hauled up from storage. Then we did some tummy time and she rolled tummy-to-back for the first time by herself! I tried to video-tape her doing it but no luck. Then she was pretty fussy pants so after trying several things I gave up and gave her some Tylenol in case it was her teeth bothering her. It seemed to help.
So big!

I caught a turtle on the front porch later and took Sage out to look at it. The turtle peed on me, but it was worth it!
What the ____ is that?!

I laid her on the floor on her back while I went out to the garage to get the stroller, since she was still fussy and I wanted to see if it would lull her to sleep to take a ride. When I walked back in, I caught her mid-roll, rolling from back-to-tummy! I was very excited for her and she was smiling so big. She was very proud of herself!

We took a long stroller ride (and she did finally pass out, thanks Jamie for the idea) and hung up her new swing(thanks Mom!) in a tree in the back yard. Afterward we jammed to some Laurie Berkner (thanks Mom again), danced to her musical star, did some tummy time with Daddy (who came home briefly in between summer school and basketball camp), and played in the tub. She passed out at 7 pm and I was exhausted!
Much happier after a stroller nap
Tummy time with Daddy

5 Months

Posted by Emily , Monday, June 10, 2013 8:36 PM

Sage turned 5 months old on Thursday.  Hard to believe!  She is still very alert and I can tell she is just soaking up everything around her.  She loves music as all babies do, and her favorite song is illusrated in the following video:

Please excuse my singing.

It almost looks like she is dancing, to me.  Every time I think she's learning a new trick, I think of the episode of Friends where Rachel thinks Emma has said her first word, "Gleeba!"  This then prompts an argument about whether "gleeba" is actually a word and they look it up in the dictionary.  In other words, I don't want to count my chicks before they're hatched!  She has learned to make some interesting noises with her mouth, as demonstrated here:

She is still sleeping very well at night, about 11 hours on average, but naps are becoming a huge struggle.  She fights them every day and I end up spending an hour trying to get her down for a 30-minute nap.  Babies this age are supposed to get about 14 hours of sleep a day, which means she shoudl have  a total of 3 hours of naps throughout the day.  We are lucky if we get an hour.  So that is my summer project, attempting to get her on a nap schedule, in her crib.  She was spoiled at daycare, only sleeping in a swing, and now needs constant motion to sleep. 

Her little tooth that was poking through for the past 2 months appears to have jumped back up into her gums, but it hasn't slowed down the drooling.  She still chews on everything she touches.  She has also recently learned how to reach her feet with her hands, so I think it's only a matter of time before those little piggies make it into her mouth as well!

So THAT'S a Flash Flood...

Posted by Emily , Sunday, June 9, 2013 9:47 PM

We have had some WILD weather around here this year!  First a snowstorm in March, and now monsoon-like rain!  We had some bad thunderstorms in May, which resulted in a flash flood in our yard.  It came and went in the course of about an hour and a half.

See that water?  There's supposed to be grass there.

The water covered the big tires that we have for raised garden beds and carried away one of the chicken wire cages that we have covering our strawberries.  The strawberries survived, though.  The plentiful rain has caused the flowers to bloom like crazy!  This time last year they were fried to a golden brown. 

Anyway, we survived with hardly any damage (I don't know if the onions and cantaloupe will be okay or not) and the water did not reach the basement.  I think the house is on just enough of a rise that we would have to have a really serious flood for anything to get in.  Fingers crossed.

Feed Me, Mama!

Posted by Emily , Saturday, June 8, 2013 2:41 PM

We got the go-ahead from Sage's doctor to try a little rice cereal at her 4-month checkup.  She doesn't really need it, but we thought it would be fun since she always watches us eat.  It was a HUGE hit.  She started off a little lukewarm, but after a little bit, she started going after the spoon like she hadn't eaten in weeks.  It was pretty cute!  I think we have a healthy eater on our hands. 

Tub Pool

Posted by Emily 1:28 PM

If you have never been to our house, you may not know that we have a gigantic tub in our master bath.  We have been bathing Sage in her infant tub in the big tub, and I just sit in the tub so I can reach her.  A couple weeks ago it was warm out and I wanted to put her in the baby pool, but she can't wear sunscreen yet, and she needed a bath anyway, so I thought, why don't we just play in the tub?  I filled it about 2 inches deep with warm water and got in there with Sage, and we went to town.  She loved it!  We've been bathing this way ever since.  It seems much more comfortable for her, and she was getting too big for the infant tub anyway. 

Having fun in the tub
Oh my cuteness.

Birthdays and a Baptism

Posted by Emily 1:24 PM

Last weekend we went to Carrollton to celebrate cousin Molly's third birthday at the park and baptize Sage.  We had a fun time at the birthday party!

Molly enjoying wearing one of her birthday presents
Sage enjoyed hanging out with her cousins.  She was very entertained by Molly. 
Sagey and Wessie
"Tell me a story, Grandma"

Sage did really well getting baptised and only whined a little.  Luke and Jamie are her godparents and we think that makes her a  lucky little girl!

The whole crew + Molly

As Steve Miller would have said, "They really knocked the hell out of 'er!"

It was also my birthday and we had a great dinner courtesy of Debbie, and then Matt and I went out for supper at the Mexican restaurant in Carrollton.  It was a great weekend!