A Healthful Day

Posted by Emily , Monday, January 20, 2014 2:15 PM

Sage and I had a healthy adventure day today!  I have the day off for MLK Jr. Day, which have me some time to work on my New Years Resolutions. I have been feeling bad lately and decided to eat more vegetables and get back into exercising. 

Anyway, today I made Sage some "baby cookies" and Brussels sprouts from this cookbook that Erin gave me:
Here are the recipes:
I had never eaten a Brussels sprout before today. They were not as disgusting as I expected them to be. The smell and aftertaste was a little like overcooked broccoli, but the taste was okay!  The cookies turned out soft and yummy but very crumbly and messy. Sage really liked them. They were a huge pain to shape into sticks since the dough was very crumbly, and ended up resembling something you might find in a baby's diaper. I would make them again, since Sage was a fan. I didn't use organic ingredients, though. 
She tried a few bites of the sprouts, which is really all a mother can ask for. She is a pretty brave eater!

When she wakes up, we plan to go to the park for a walk, and I have a spinach bacon salad planned for my dinner. It is a lot easier to be healthy when I'm home all day, but I hope this day will get me off to a good start!

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